Third Horizon Forward is a new grant opportunity for Caribbean filmmakers in Miami. Through a call for submissions, three filmmakers will be selected to receive $11000 in funding, in addition to expanded support and access to various resources from the Third Horizon Caribbean filmmaking collective.

Applications, which can be found online here, will be accepted from Thursday, Feb 1, 2024 through Friday, March 8, 2024 at 11:59 pm EST.

Applicants must be filmmakers of Caribbean descent living in Miami-Dade County.

This opportunity will support narrative, documentary, experimental and animated pilot projects that have intentions to create feature projects.

Recognizing the ongoing need to support local filmmakers in our community, we are looking for films that speak to the experiences of filmmakers of Caribbean descent who currently call Miami home. However, the films themselves do not have to be set or filmed in Miami.

No. Third Horizon Forward is looking for short film/pilot projects, no longer than 40 minutes long.

Yes, you are eligible to submit with a work in progress. Third Horizon Forward is open to projects in any stage, from early development to post-production.

It is our hope that awarded projects will be completed by the end of 2025.

The recipients of Third Horizon Forward support will be determined by a jury of three nationally recognized film professionals of Caribbean descent, two of whom will be based in Miami.

The jury will allocate funding to each filmmaker based on the specific needs and development stage of their project which will be disbursed in a 2 year period.

During the seventh edition of Third Horizon Film Festival, taking place Thursday, May 9 through Sunday, May 12.

Having produced critically-acclaimed and award-winning films ourselves, the members of our Third Horizon collective will be available for mentorship sessions with filmmakers to share our experience, resources and network to support filmmakers as they go about producing and distributing their films on the film festival circuit and beyond.

We’d suggest no more than two. Hit us with your absolute strongest and most focused material.

No, selected filmmakers will own all copyright to their film. However, Third Horizon must be listed as a production entity and funder on the project